When using the website www.nonnonanni.it, users must be aware of the following conditions.
The material contained on the website is protected by copyright. Unless expressly envisaged, it is prohibited to copy, edit, upload, download, transmit, republish or display such material for redistribution to third parties for commercial gain, without prior written consent from Latteria Montello. It is forbidden to extract any of the graphic images on the pages or to use the content or the brands of the web site for any other end or purpose not expressly indicated on the site.
Materials sent by users
In sending photographs, images, recipes, videos, writings in general and other original content transmitted electronically by uploading direct to the site www.nonnonanni.it and completing the registration procedure, it is understood that the user:
- gives Latteria Montello S.p.A. of Via Fante d’Italia 26 31040 Giavera del Montello (Treviso), totally and free of charge, the right to utilize photographs, images, recipes, videos, writings in general and other original content prepared in their original format or edited, entirely or in part, for the purpose of publicizing and broadcasting them via the media, and/or in publications including though not limited to books, magazines and daily newspapers, as well as by reproduction on web sites and in e-mails and on mobile telephony services;
- waives any right to examine and approve communication materials that will be produced using the photographs, images, recipes, videos, writings in general and other original content;
- authorizes Latteria Montello S.p.A freely and definitively to utilize the photographs, images, recipes, videos, writings in general and other original content prepared and transmitted electronically by uploading direct to the site, without expecting any recompense or acknowledgement or payment for the rights to use the property, pursuant to Italian copyright law n° 633/1944 and subsequent amendments and additions;
- remains aware that none of the photographs, images, recipes, videos, writings in general and other original content sent to the website will be returned;
- assumes legal and asset liability in respect of all rights relating to and connected with the photographs, images, recipes, videos, writings in general and other original content transmitted electronically by uploading direct to the site.
Any user sending a contribution (photographs, images, recipes, videos, writings in general and other original content) that contains information of a personal nature relating to a subject identified or identifiable in the image, acts as Controller of the processing of personal data contained in the contribution submitted. Accordingly, the user must inform the data subjects in the cases and in the manner prescribed under article 13 of Legislative Decree n° 196/2003 (the Italian Data Protection Act) and obtain consent to the disclosure of the selfsame data. Under no circumstances may the contributions sent by users contain data identifiable as being sensitive.
Users registering on www.nonnonanni.it declare that:
- photographs, images, recipes, videos, writings in general and other original content prepared and transmitted electronically by uploading direct to the site have been produced in accordance with all current statutory regulations including, purely by way of example, the requirements of Italian copyright law 633/1941 and subsequent amendments and additions, and in accordance with current privacy and data protection regulations.
- they retain ownership of and/or are allowed lawful and complete access to the content that may be incorporated into or form part of the material in question, as well as ownership of all rights of use, in accordance with all current statutory regulations, and consequently, likewise in accordance with all current legal requirements, have requested and obtained from all rights holders the necessary expressions of consent or authorization in favour of Latteria Montello S.p.A. as concerning the use, publication, dissemination and economic exploitation of the material, in whatever form and by whatever means, with no time restrictions and effective worldwide;
- the content does not and will not in any identifiable way violate intellectual, industrial or other third party property rights (including, by way purely of example, image rights), or existing laws and regulations; and that the items of information contained therein are and will continue to be lawful and correct, do not and will not cause offence to persons or organizations, and are and will continue to comply with principles of public order and morality.
Users declare and guarantee that:
- they retain sole ownership of any and every intellectual property right on the content submitted, and authorize Latteria Montello S.p.A. to use, publish and distribute the content by whatever means, including download;
- the content submitted, by whatever method and utilizing whatever means and in whatever format, does not contain images of or reference to persons under 18 years, even if portrayed in the company of adults, except in cases where a parent or person in loco parentis may download and/or request from the editorial staff at privacy@nonnonanni.it a disclaimer form which, once signed by the parent/guardian, should be sent by fax to +39 0422 775090.
- the content does not include advertising messages, offensive or provocative language and/or defamatory and/or discriminatory content and/or content that might be interpreted as an invitation to delinquency or violence; or content that could in any way represent the exploitation of prostitution or paedophilia;
- the content does not infringe copyright, trademarks and patents or, in general, the intellectual property rights of third parties;
- the use and publication of the content has been authorized by any rights holder, or subject represented and/or filmed and/or referenced and/or named internally of the selfsame content;
- they will not upload content that may be unlawful, defamatory and/or libellous, vulgar, damaging to the privacy of others, racist, classist or in any way reprehensible;
- they will not use the site for publishing content that reproduces material of an offensive or obscene nature and/or any content that violates the laws of the Italian State and/or may be contrary to the common sense of decency;
- they will not produce content promoting political parties, political movements, religions or sects, or terrorist or extremist movements;
- they will not produce content inspired by fanaticism, racism, hate or irreverence;
- they will not use the site to circulate content reproducing images that are paedo-pornographic and/or liable to impact negatively on the psychological and moral development of minors;
- they will not use the site to transmit and disclose information that may be secret or confidential, acquired for example through an employment relationship or a confidentiality agreement.
- they will not use the site to introduce content conveying messages of an advertising nature and, more generally, will not use such messages/items for marketing purposes (promotion, sponsorship and sale of materials and services);
- they will not use the site to communicate messages in code;
- they will not include their own telephone numbers or personal details or those of others in the content;
- they will not use bad language or blasphemous expressions;
The right is reserved by the website editorial staff to remove any content not in compliance with these Rules.
The editorial staff shall be at liberty to refuse or to cancel content, nicknames or messages that are considered at its absolute discretion to be offensive, injurious or damaging in any way to third parties; through its moderators, the editorial staff may also temporarily or permanently exclude users whose conduct may be at variance with these Rules.
The website editorial staff may, at its exclusive discretion, approve and publish each item of content submitted, or refuse/delete any content that may be in any way unlawful, objectionable and/or in any event potentially damaging to the interests of third parties.
Limitation of liability
No liability is assumed in connection either with the content of what is published on this site and the use to which it may be put by third parties, or with possible contaminations deriving from access to, interconnection with or downloading of material and computer programs from this site.
Accordingly, Latteria Montello shall be in no way liable for any damages, losses or prejudices of whatever nature that may be suffered by third parties as a result of contact with this site, or deriving from the use of content that may be published on the site, or of the software applications employed.
Within the limits of the law, Latteria Montello S.p.A. is not and shall not be liable under any circumstances for damages occasioned by the use or by improper use of the service provided by this site. This limitation of liability is applied in respect of any kind of damage, even in the event that Latteria Montello S.p.A. may be informed as to the possibility of damage occurring. The aforementioned limitation applies similarly in the case of damages deriving from improper use of the service, from inability to use the service, or from the interruption, suspension or withdrawal of the service (including possible damages sustained by third parties). The limitation applies likewise in the case of possible damages deriving from the use of the service employing connections and links supplied by the site.
Copyright © 2012 Latteria Montello S.p.A.. All rights reserved.
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