02 Aug 2015
Nonno Nanni Robiola takes gold at the InternationalCheese Awards for the second year running!
Nonno Nanni Robiola, a real example of the Made in Italy quality which makes us the envy of the whole world, continues to triumph abroad as well as at home.
Nonno Nanni Robiola has taken the gold medal in the “Soft & Cream Cheese” category for two consecutive years, among more than 4600 competing cheeses from 31 different nations.
The International Cheese Awards, established in 1897, are held every year in Nantwich, England. They are one of the most important events in the UK and in the world, dedicated to the cheese industry.
The prizes were awarded by a tough jury of 200 industry experts who based their decision on careful tasting and analysis of all the products competing.
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07 May 2018