• Desserts
  • EASY
  • 15 min
  • Array

Dates filled with Nonno Nanni lactose free Robiola

Ingredients for 4 persons

12 dates

100g of Nonno Nanni lactose free Robiola

50g of icing sugar

12 walnut kernels

1 spoonful of rum

Nonno Nanni Lactose Free Robiola is a fresh, tasty cheese designed to meet the needs of those who are lactose intolerant.


Place the lactose free Robiola and icing sugar in a large bowl. Flavour with cinnamon and rum and mix all the ingredients well until you have a smooth consistency.

Prepare the dates. Half them and remove the pit and use a teaspoon to help stuff them.

Place half a walnut kernel on top of the lactose free Robiola. After filling all the dates, place in the fridge for about 2 hours.


Lactose Free

Nonno Nanni Lactose Free Robiola is a fresh, tasty cheese designed to meet the needs of those who are lactose intolerant.